How to personalise your PersonalFit Flex™ breast shield for more efficient pumping

How to personalise your PersonalFit Flex™ breast shield for more efficient pumping


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How to personalise your PersonalFit Flex™ breast shield for more efficient pumping

Breast shields play a key role in pumping comfort and efficiency. Your Medela PersonalFit Flex™ shield has a unique design that you can adjust easily to your shape. This helps you get more milk from each pumping session.

Understanding your PersonalFit Flex™ breast shield

Our research scientists tested the PersonalFit Flex™ breast shield in four clinical studies with breastfeeding mums. Across more than 1,000 pumping sessions, they proved it delivered more comfort and efficiency.

Compared to standard 90° breast shield openings, the new 105° opening angle better matches different shapes and sizes of breasts. This also helps milk flow more freely, which may be because there’s less compression of the breast.

And because the PersonalFit Flex™ breast shield can be rotated 360°, you can easily adapt its position to suit your shape. This means the shield can seal gently to your breast and you can find the most comfortable position for you.

– better efficiency
– more comfort
– improved adaptation
– improved effectiveness


Customising your PersonalFit Flex™ breast shield size

1. MeasureYour nipple diameter may temporarily increase by 2 to 3 mm during pumping, so the breast shield tunnel needs to be slightly bigger than your nipple. Our fitting guide will help you find the right size.

2. AdaptThere is no wrong way to position the oval breast shield on your breast. Simply rotate the oval shape to find the most comfortable position for you. This varies from mum to mum.

3. CentreCentre your nipple in the tunnel so that it can move back and forth freely within it while pumping.

4. AssessCheck your breast shield fit regularly. As your nipple and breast shape might change over time, you may need a different size. The oval shape also offers you the chance to change its position when needed.

Get comfortable

Being relaxed and comfortable while pumping will help your milk flow. Stress and discomfort can hinder the hormone oxytocin, which is essential for the release of breast milk.

Your Medela Flex™ technology breast pump has overflow protection – sometimes called a closed system – that prevents milk entering the motor, so you can pump in a comfortable position that works for you.

Find our breast shield fitting guide at and read more at